About me
Vini Vidi vici
I'm Michael Laswell! Been programming off and on with various apps and other things since I was 12 and working with my dad setting up computer labs in colleges and stuff ever since I can remember. Overcoming tough coding problems, getting better and expanding my repritoire of abilities are what helps me to continue despite how much head bashing coding can be sometimes.
Participated in MSU Programming Competition in high school. Mission for the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Tokyo,Japan where I taught free english classes and provided tech support for 100+ missionaries.
Assignment Tracker
You know in college that annoying feeling of not being sure if you forgot an assignment? Or the pit of despair you felt in your stomach when you forgot to turn something in? With the assignment tracker, we are trying to turn that into a thing of the past with a nice simple spreadsheet view of which assignments you need to get done ordered by date. Between the email and text reminder options all types of users can be catered too. Anyone with deadlines can use it just as easily! it's like having your own personal assistant there to remind you of what you need to do in the day. Easy to use simple to read and set up. There to help you get done what you need. http://assignmenttracker.click/
Simon project
Simon is a repetitive memory game where you follow the demonstrated color sequence until you make a mistake. The longer the sequence you repeat, the greater your score. The greater your score the more envy from your friends! The name Simon is a registered trademark owned by Milton-Bradley. Our use of the name and the game is for non-profit educational use only. No part of this code or program should be used outside of that definition.(Agreed) http://simon.assignmenttracker.click/
Web programming assignments
CodePen links below.
- Introduction - Basic HTML page example
- Structure - All the elements for creating page structure
- Input - All the elements for receiving user input
- Media - All the elements for rendering media objects